
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Fundamentals of the Fascia Therapy concept

This post serves to further enhance the broader outline of The Fascia Therapy Theorem by expanding the fundamentals of the critical initial stages of treatment and rehabilitation.  Although the concept itself is relatively comprehensive, the overwhelming reality is that even though specific treatment strategies will ultimately differ form person to person...but each of them must follow certain laws of human development at the inception.

The essential fundamentals of the FT concept follows these laws and therefore reflect efficient treatment responses as well more reliable treatment strategies.

1. Systemic Homeostasis:

This is the fundamental starting point for all of the FT treatment strategies.  It is characterized by specific and focused efforts to stabilize and potentiate the essential physiological oscillators of the body (respiration, digestion, circulation, lymphatic drainage).  Every efficient and successful biomechanical strategy must first secure a working systemic homeostasis in order to meet the requirements of more advanced movement.  This means that systemic function must be sufficiently adaptive, irritable (responds to stimulus), and interconnected (inter-system communication). 

2. Structural Integrity:

This stage generally appears soon after (or at the same time) and the development of systemic homeostasis.  It is characterized by purposeful development of basic postural skills and the potentiation of efficient closed-chain activities.  This involves many stages, but always begins with the development of passive hydraulic strength of the trunk (passive postural competence).

3. Psychomotor Development:

This phase typically manifests once a critical mass of systemic and structural integrity have been achieved.  Further, it is the fundamental link to the development of productive movement skills.  The development of healthy structure is also a key component, however structural integrity is merely a cosmetic benefit unless there is a specific strategy in place to activate and potentiate movement abilities.

The above chart effectively outlines the basic framework that is followed.  It begins with essential exposure to sensory input and the use of guided techniques that impose gradual stimulii in an effort to stimulate intrinsic response and development.  For example, basic motor  development essentially starts in a supine position (facing up) and progresses via small oscillations (rolls) from side to side.  This type of movement is a precursor to the eventual objective of independant rolling.

Although the process follows multiple steps and is quite complex, the overall framework serves as a helpful guide to effective and efficient practice and implementation.  From perception based interventions, to transfers, to the process of trial and error and so on...psychomotor development is an essential component to the transition to productive function.

4. Active Potentiation and Integration:

This stage can involve interventions that are outside of the rehabilitatiove domain.  It is the strategic integration of all of the fundamental parameters to healthy life and living (Social, Cognitive, Physical).

The physical (structural and systemic) and psychomotor strategies generally remain in place, although sometimes reduced to a more "maintenance oriented" role, while the integration of Cognitive and Affective development strategies take a more prominent role.  These are generally manifested well within the occupational therapist role, teachers, home care, and even parents themselves.  In essence, the physical development and competence give rise to more potential success within the cognitive and affective metrics.

It is important to note that during this entire process, it is VITAL that a comprehensive nutritional regimen be formulated.  People generally associate nutritional regimens with "aggresive, military, unrealistic" formulas...but this is simply a misguided perception manifested by our fitness crazed society.  Nutritional regimens are characterized by comprensive evaluation of nutritional and dietary requirements for each individual case...tailored to contribute to the specific objectives of the rehabilitation strategy.  The development process requires requires fuel in order to potentiate growth and also to resist failure or illness.  In addition, it isn't simply WHAT is being consumed but also HOW it is being absorbed.  Dysfunctional digestive function affects nutrient absorption and therefore disrupts proper metabolism...respiratory irregularities contribute to higher cardiac activity and therefore can negatively impact thermoregulation.  Nutrition plays and essential role in facilitating smooth and peaceful transition throughout the entire process.

There is considerably more "guts" to the concept itself...but I am hopeful that this (along with the philosophical explanation of the Fascia Therapy Theorem --- link at the beginning of the post) will give some helpful answers to the question of "what is Fascia Therapy?" 


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