
Monday, September 26, 2011

“Analytical review. Cerebral Palsy and forceful devices- orthoses, splints, braces”

The link below will direct you to a very informative blog post from Leonid Blyum. The issue of splints, orthotics, braces, etc. when addressing the complex rehabilitation of children with Cerebral Palsy comes up with an alarming regularity. In my 6+ years of working directly with these special children and their families, it is undeniably one of the top 2 or 3 topics that always comes up. My main point is not that it SHOULDN'T be a topic of conversation, rather that it has become "standard operating procedure"...and that the use of these devices isn't even examined or questioned. To be more precise, the mere NOTION of asking "is this the best thing for my child and will it do what people are claiming it will do?" is sometimes beyond comprehension for alot of families. The reality is that these approaches have been in "mass circulation" for hundreds of years...the majority of the advancements being in the development of light, softer, and more durable implements...however there is still a fundamental question that remains: "What is the true biomechanical consequence of using these". There is far too much over-simplification when dealing with complex biomechanical disorders..."the foot is twisted in? Let's put on a hard brace to force it back" or "Oh, the hard brace hurts the foot? Ok, let's put a soft brace on". It would be ideal if it were that simple...and if it were, there certainly wouldn't be any need for therapeutic "experts". At any rate, the link to Leonid's post(with accompanying video) will prove to be extremely informative for ANY rehabilitation professional. The thought process and analytical approach extend beyond just cerebral palsy. It is in-depth and most certainly in my "must read" folder!

“Analytical review. Cerebral Palsy and forceful devices- orthoses, splints, braces”

Braces and orthoses in Cerebral Palsy ABR position Aug 2011 from BlyumABR on Vimeo.

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