This is the most recent "train of thought" that was just screaming to get here it is on paper so that I can put it to rest and make room for the next train coming into the station.
In a post from last year called Life, Tensegrity, and Thermodynamics, I made reference to the realities of entropy which quite simply mean that we as biological organisms have a relatviely limited supply of energy that is gradually "leeched" over time by the environment, the elements, oxidation, and geneal interactions with gravity. To extend this line of discussion, you can exquate this process as somewhat "transactional". When put into this perspective, the concept of "biological checks and balances" becomes relatively convenient.
As soon as we are born, the development of the central nervous system (CNS), respiratory and digestive system, and immune system all take center stage. This can be considered the equivalent of the establishment of a "central bank". Once these systemic pacemakers are in place, there is a subsequent rapid development of a hydraulic core...which is made up of the thorax, abdomen, and pelvic cavity. The hydraulic core serves, not only to house the systemic engines of our body, but a very significant and critical "architectural" role. It effectively acts as the "interface" between the mechanical forces that enter the body via the extremities and the centralized core.
To extend the transactional analogy a bit more, we can consider the following parallels:
1. The extremities as the biomechanical source of "withdrawl" from the "central bank" (core)
2. The pelvic and shoulder girdles as the force transmission interface (or "ATM") for the extremities
3. The visceral core as the internal workings of the central bank (fluid flow, respiratory mechanics, lymphatic drainage, etc...)
Therefore, our interactions with the environment (mechanical and systemic) generate imposed demands for "funds" from the central bank. These funds are manifest in many forms such as oxygen, blood flow, muscle contraction, heat, etc...all of which service our ability to maintain existence. The remarkable reality of the human "central bank" is that it has an amazing ability to self-regulate and be more specific, the ability to self-regulate more efficiently depends on regular demands placed onto it. In specific cases such as Cerebral Palsy (CP) or other disorders of movement and posture, the biomechanical "withdrawls" often exceed the available funds within the biological "account". Moreover, the actual interface (pelvic and shoulder girdles) is incapable of sustaining and accomodating the rising demands placed on it. The eventual result is some form of "economic crash" which is reflected in the characteristic gradual deterioration of mechnical and systemic competence.
To close the point, the general strategy (regardless of where you think the main priorities are) would be to somehow address this transactional dilemma (as indicated in the list of 3 parallels above). Although there are diverse approaches and philosophies, the vast majority of them revolve around a hierarchical distribution of focus starting from 1. (reducing the number of withdawls by the extremities), to 2. ("fixing" the actual interface), and finally to 3. (addressing the systemic / metabolic dysfunction). This is indeed a very valid and intuitive approach that has some common sense links to it...especially when you put it in an economic perspective.
The main message of this post is to raise some awareness as to another possible course of action which is essentially the core foundation of the Fascia Therapy concept I have proposed in this blog. In essense, the ability to develop, facilitate, and potentiate more effective internal mechanisms within the "central bank" will ultimately have the greatest impact and implications on the entire health of the system. In more practical terms, the promotion of better interstitial fluid flow, lymphatic drainage, peripheral blood flow, as well as potentiating healthy tissue remodelling will improve the overall "transactional processing ability" of the core. Further, the more improved the internal system becomes the better the interface becomes...which in turn is better able to manage the demands placedby the periphery. The Fascia Therapy concept can be considered as a specific set of skills and strategies designed to improve function, efficiency, and productivity within the central essense, stabilizing the biological economy.
In summary, the reality (in the rehabilitative professional context) becomes "where do you best fit within the resolution of any given challenge". As complex is the actual economy of the world, the human organism is infinitely more complex...therefore it is somewhat naive to think or claim that any ONE approach will resolve most issues. The formualtion lies in "where do I enter into this cycle to make the greatest impact". It is important to remember: Even though it likely comes with all good intentions, rehabilitative strategies are ALSO transactional...and therefore can impose addtional demands and "taxes" onto the system (physical, emotional, chemical, etc...) be wise in your choices, be humble in your skills, and proceed with intelligence and care!
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
New Frameworks and Solutions for Rehabilitation: Fascia D.N.A.
The Fascia Therapy concept is the culmination of 7 years of active engagement and study of fascia in its may complex appearances. It is often diffult to crystalize any specific philosophy or approach within the restrictions of the written word...however it is important to present the philosophical "skeleton" from which all of the protocols, techniques, and tools are hung. The D.N.A. (Develop. Nourish. Activate.) approach is essentially an inclusive platform that absorbs any and all forms of therapies due to the unique nature of the target tissue: FASCIA. In other words, the mode of intervention is purely dependant on its ability to access the fascia and potentiate the desired effect. Although there are specific strategies and protocols to initiate the DNA recovery process, the variability of tools and interventions that can be applied are diverse and widespread. The following is an overview of the fundamentals of the DNA concept:
The DNA concept is fundamentally based on Nassim Nicholas Taleb's concept of ANTIFRAGILITY. This concept essentially states that complex systems like the human body should, not only resist stressors (mechanical, environmental, chemical, etc...), but should grow stronger as a result of being exposed to them. Therefore, in order to thrive and develop, a system needs to be more than simply resilient and robust (resists stressors but remains the same), but manifest a much more adaptive and sustainable appearance. This development is achieved by exposing the system to micro-stresses that are significantly below their failure point. Additionally, these micro-stresses need to be characterized by randomness and volatility...which isthe most efficient mode through which the body responds.
What is it and what does it do?:
In essense, it is a manual therapy that uses a variety of tools to stimulation and activate the deepest and most primitive autonomous structures / systems in the body. These structures / systems are characterized by diverse types of differentiated fascia and are found in complex sheets or layers that are found in the deep core of the trunk. The implications of these tissues are profound because they are the engines of the self-regulating systems and have profound impact on the entire human organism.
The proper and effective stimulation of these tissues potentiates and facilitates self-healing and homeostasis and therefore provides and ideal environment for increase in rate of progress.
The DNA philosophy is based on the concept of converging stimulus as a catalyst for diverging response.
As the appropriate stimulus enters the core in the form of a converging stimulus and stimulates the deep primitive tissues, there will be a corresponding diverging response from BOTH the core and the periphery.
To be precise, the approach is centralized and fundamentally based within the deep core as an initial strategy (systemic development and enhancement) and then extends to the periphery through the various and diverse interconnectivity of the fascial system.
The systemic benefits are the most immediate due to the fact that they are more closely linked to the deep primitive "oscillation" of the body. These benefits include:
-More competent immune system function
-Improved lymphatic drainage
-Increased interstitial fluid flow
-Improved metabolic competence
-Increased respiratory and digestive coherence
The mechanical benefits are also generally manifest quite soon, but are somewhat dependant on the systemic coherence for its maintenance. The mechanical benefits include:
-Increased muscular relaxation and decrease muscular tension
-More efficient removal of waste and metabolic by-product
-Improved peripheral blood flow
-Improved healing rate and injury resistance
-Stronger "architectural" competence (strenghtening of joints and articulations)
In summary, the DNA concept presents an opportunity to "fertilize" the body so that it may more efficiently receive any and all therapeutic (or fitness) related interventions. In essense, the fertilization of the soil yields the most resilient and fruitful crops. Therefore, regardless of your prefered "farming" technique there will always be positive and productive development.
More specifics to come!
The DNA concept is fundamentally based on Nassim Nicholas Taleb's concept of ANTIFRAGILITY. This concept essentially states that complex systems like the human body should, not only resist stressors (mechanical, environmental, chemical, etc...), but should grow stronger as a result of being exposed to them. Therefore, in order to thrive and develop, a system needs to be more than simply resilient and robust (resists stressors but remains the same), but manifest a much more adaptive and sustainable appearance. This development is achieved by exposing the system to micro-stresses that are significantly below their failure point. Additionally, these micro-stresses need to be characterized by randomness and volatility...which isthe most efficient mode through which the body responds.
What is it and what does it do?:
In essense, it is a manual therapy that uses a variety of tools to stimulation and activate the deepest and most primitive autonomous structures / systems in the body. These structures / systems are characterized by diverse types of differentiated fascia and are found in complex sheets or layers that are found in the deep core of the trunk. The implications of these tissues are profound because they are the engines of the self-regulating systems and have profound impact on the entire human organism.
The proper and effective stimulation of these tissues potentiates and facilitates self-healing and homeostasis and therefore provides and ideal environment for increase in rate of progress.
The DNA philosophy is based on the concept of converging stimulus as a catalyst for diverging response.
As the appropriate stimulus enters the core in the form of a converging stimulus and stimulates the deep primitive tissues, there will be a corresponding diverging response from BOTH the core and the periphery.
To be precise, the approach is centralized and fundamentally based within the deep core as an initial strategy (systemic development and enhancement) and then extends to the periphery through the various and diverse interconnectivity of the fascial system.
The systemic benefits are the most immediate due to the fact that they are more closely linked to the deep primitive "oscillation" of the body. These benefits include:
-More competent immune system function
-Improved lymphatic drainage
-Increased interstitial fluid flow
-Improved metabolic competence
-Increased respiratory and digestive coherence
The mechanical benefits are also generally manifest quite soon, but are somewhat dependant on the systemic coherence for its maintenance. The mechanical benefits include:
-Increased muscular relaxation and decrease muscular tension
-More efficient removal of waste and metabolic by-product
-Improved peripheral blood flow
-Improved healing rate and injury resistance
-Stronger "architectural" competence (strenghtening of joints and articulations)
In summary, the DNA concept presents an opportunity to "fertilize" the body so that it may more efficiently receive any and all therapeutic (or fitness) related interventions. In essense, the fertilization of the soil yields the most resilient and fruitful crops. Therefore, regardless of your prefered "farming" technique there will always be positive and productive development.
More specifics to come!