
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Battling Multiple Sclerosis: Integrated Advanced Techniques

The title of this post speaks for itself and needs no particular introduction.  However, as part of the One Giant Leap objectives, no amount of information is too much...therefore I will start this very exciting post with a brief introduction to Multiple Sclerosis (MS) itself, followed by more detail specifics on the particular ¨strategic campaign¨ for addressing some of the challenegs associated with MS.

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society defines MS as: a chronic, often disabling disease that attacks the central nervous system (CNS), which is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. Symptoms may be mild, such as numbness in the limbs, or severe, such as paralysis or loss of vision. The progress, severity, and specific symptoms of MS are unpredictable and vary from one person to another. MS is tought to be an auto-immune disease...which means the body’s own defense system attacks myelin, the fatty substance that surrounds and protects the nerve fibers in the central nervous system. The nerve fibers themselves can also be damaged. The damaged myelin forms scar tissue (sclerosis), which gives the disease its name. When any part of the myelin sheath or nerve fiber is damaged or destroyed, nerve impulses traveling to and from the brain and spinal cord are distorted or interrupted, producing the variety of symptoms that can occur.

There are essentially four (4) courses of MS (remitting-relapsing, primary-progressive MS, secondary-progressive MS, and progressive-relapsing MS).  Each individual typically experience either mild, moderate, or severe symptoms of one of the four courses.  Although each is different (in frequency and manifestation), the objective of this post is to consider all of them as one and therefore the fundamental strategy is universal.

One of the main challenges for people with MS is the development of chronic inflammation and lymphedema.  The document embedded at the end of this post goes into more detail, however it summarizes lymphedema as the accumulation of lymphatic fluid in the interstitial tissue, resulting from a failure of the lypmhatic system to return fluid to the circulation despite normal capillary filtration.  This characteristic is fundamentally global in nature, however due to the lack of mobility that is often accompanied with MS (as well as the effect of gravity), inflammation usually develops in the feet and ankles.  When not properly addressed, this fluid remains stagnant and therefore reduces oxygen transport capacity, reduces wound healing, and creates a culture medium for bacteria.

There are many intervention available for the treatment of lymphedema and chronic inflammation ranging from manual massage, elevation, pumping systems, and compressional devices.  In effect, the many different strategies reflect the importance of addressing this challenge as effectively and efficiently as possible.  It is with this global objective in mind that I have integrated two (2) proven effective techniques to form the Activ8 System for Multiple Sclerosis. 

Richard Paletta and Gavin Broomes
I am very pleased and excited to have the help of Richard Paletta, licensed Kinesiologist and Physiotherapist, who brings years of practical experience and dedication to the fascial paradigm to the clients of his clinic REB (Rehabilitacion Estructural Biotensegral), in Rosario, Argentina.  In addition, I would also like to thank our MS patient from REB for their time in helping us prepare this post and enable us to deliver this valuable information.

The Activ8 System for MS is comprised of two (2) fundamental branches:  Functional Kinematics (Exercise) and Systemic Health Development (improving systemic homeostasis).    This post will demonstrate a specific strategy within the systemic health development strategy.  The two proven techniques that comprise this strategy are:  1) Trans-Fascial Viscoelastic Stimulation (TFVES), and 2) Therapeutic Elastic Taping (commonly referred to as Kinesiotaping.

As per my description of TFVES in a previous post, it is an innovative technique used in the treatment of children with Cerebral Palsy and other disorders of movement and posture.  Using various stress-transfer mediums, the practitioner is able to access the connective tissue / fascia at all levels including the very deepest visceral / core level.  TFVES is a very comprehensive set of skills, applications, guidelines, and targets that require an extensive process of learning and development...however the overwhelming scientific and clinical evidence shows that is produces extraordinary benefit and contribution to the improvement of connective tissue strength, health, integrity, and homeostasis...therefore reducing fascial dysfunction and the reduction of abnormal pain signalling.  In addition to the enormous systemic benefit, there is also a very significant improvement in the overall health, strength, and integrity of the connective tissue system which contributes to structural integrity and therefore improves functional performance.  

Also as per my previous post on Kinesiotaping, this techniques is very adaptive and addresses both functional and systemic rehabilitative objectives.  
 Kinesio Taping alleviates pain and fascilities lymphatic drainage by lifting the skin. The taped portion forms convolutions in the skin thus increasing interstitial space. The result is that pressure and irritation are taken off the neural/sensory receptors. Then, slowly, pressure is taken off the lymphatic system allowing it to drain more freely.  I recommend that you refer to my previos post on the role of Kinesiotape in the contribution to improved lymphatic drainage to get a more expanded and detailed explanation of the mechanism.  

The systemic development session begins with the application of case-specific elastic tape applications.  The tape is applied and can remain on the skin for up to 5 days and resists water and sweat, therefore it does not interfere with bathing and other activities associated with daily life.  

Low Back / Lumbar
Shoulder / Thorax
The first application is applied in a seated position and oriented to direct flow from the pelvis and periphery to the center.  The second application is done in a prone position and is applied from the acromion process (shoulder) to the mid-thorax adjacent to the spine.  Both applications serve to promote lymphatic drainage, however the shoulder application serves a secondary function of providing some minor elastic facilatation during movement of the arms.  

Application of elastic tape

The applications for the elastic tape are quite varied and, as mentioned previously, are case-specific as well as objective-specific...therefore a significant number of variations and combinations exist.  These particular applications are specific to this case and are representative of the specific objectives of the case.

Case-specific TFVES application

The image on the left is an example of a case-specific TFVES application.  This particular application is being performed to serve the treatment objectives of improving lymphatic drainage, strengthening the connective tissue superstructure, and contributing to the overall development and maintenance of systemics homeostasis.  The set of images below demonstrates the dynamic stretch and elastic contribution the shoulder application provides during active movement.

In summary, the challenges with chronic inflammation in people with MS can be significant.  However, every case of inflammtion from mild to severe can be addresed with focused implementation of specific goal-oriented strategies.  We will continue to follow this case and provide you with the additional strategies that will be in place for the reduction of inflammation in the legs as well as the evolution of the implementation of the Systemic Health Development protocol.

More to come!  Cheers!

Lymphatic System and MS_National MS Society_2011

Friday, June 15, 2012

Fibromyalgia: Advanced Techniques for the Treatment of Pain

Fibromylagia (FM) is a condition that has proven to be very elusive and challenging to the medical community, clinicians, and more importantly to those who suffer the symptomatic pain and discomfort.  I initially started my investigation into Fibromyalgia in August of 2011, however it took me by surprise how many different perspectives, theories, and central belief systems are currently in the Fibromyalgia landscape.  Therefore I took a significant amount of extra time to absorb and examine...which also lead to some more evolutions in my initial strategy for interventions in pain management.  The subject of this post is to present a blend of current concepts with another innovative concept in an effort to maximize the ability to effectively reduce the constant discomfort and often debilitating pain that can affect quality of daily life and profoundly reduce overall homeostasis.  More importantly, this post examines the mounting current research that suggests the fascia / connective tissue system plays a fundamental role in both the ¨problem¨ and the ¨solution¨.

Fibromyalgia disorder is characterized by wide-spread muscle pain and tenderness at specific soft-tissue trigger points.  Recent studies in the pain processing mechanism have resulted in some significant advances in the understanding of Fibromyalgia.  Although there has not been any definitive evidence of muscle patholgy found in FM, there is growing evidence for dysfunction of the intramuscular connective tissue (or fascia). I have embedded a previously posted article of one of these studies below.

Fascia is richly innervated, and the major cell of the fascia, the fibroblast, has been shown
to secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines, particularly IL-6, in response to strain. Recent biopsy
studies using immuno-histochemical staining techniques have found increased levels of
collagen and inflammatory mediators in the connective tissue surrounding the muscle cells
in Fibromyalgia patients.

There is a significant amount of scientific and physiological details and explanation behind this, however I will save that discussion for another (more comprehensive) post.  This brief introduction is to outline the evidence of a connective tissue / inflammatory contribution to pain in FM.  Therefore, a more practical and focused presentation of the specific strategy to reduce pain is the next step.  

Trans-Fascial Viscoelastic Stimulation
As stated in my previous FM post, massage is a well known and accepted intervention in the treatment of symptomatic pain...therefore any improvements to the delivery, absorption, and effective range of massage is an obvious (and immediate) benefit. One of the most innovative (and effective) evolutions in massage is called Trans-Fascial Viscoelastic Stimulation (TFVES).  Also known as Soft Ball Rolling Massage, this technique was developed by Mr. Leonid Blyum for the specific challenges faced by children with Cerebral Palsy and other disorders of movement and posture.  Using various stress-transfer mediums, the practitioner is able to access the connective tissue / fascia at all levels including the very deepest visceral / core level.  

TFVES is a very comprehensive set of skills, applications, guidelines, and targets that require an extensive process of learning and development...however the overwhelming scientific and clinical evidence shows that is produces extraordinary benefit and contribution to the improvement of connective tissue strength, health, integrity, and homeostasis...therefore reducing fascial dysfunction and the reduction of abnormal pain signalling. 

The complement to the TFVES technique is the implementation of specific kinesiotaping applications.  My 2 previous posts explain in detail about the mechanical and physiological benefits of therapeutic taping, however it is within a different context.  I will introduce some of the same explanation in this post to ensure an adequate link to FM.  

 Kinesio Taping alleviates pain and facilitates lymphatic drainage by lifting the skin. The taped portion forms convolutions in the skin thus increasing interstitial space. The result is that pressure and irritation are taken off the neural/sensory receptors. Then, slowly, pressure is taken off the lymphatic system allowing it to drain more freely.

Not only does this technique stand alone, but in combination with TFVES, the opportunity to effectively reduce pain is significant.  In addition, the scientific evidence shows that TFVES over the long term strengthens the connective tissue system and therefore contributes to long-term reduction of the symptomatic challenges. I highly recommend that you refer to the previous post to get a more in-depth understanding of the physiological benefits. 

In summary, the adoption and blending of these 2 specific techniques can generate powerful results.  More importantly, they are skills that can be acquired and therefore can be implemented in a home-based environment.  The One Giant Leap Initiative is designed to provide responsible strategies and systems that can co-exist with most treatment strategies and provide an opportunity for care-seekers to contribute to their own health and well-being.

I have kept this post relatively short, however I will be formulating more comprehensive explanations and descriptions, as well as generating some practical technical demonstrations in the Miscellaneous Toolbox that can be of immediate use.  Any and all specific inquiries, comments, and feedback are welcome.

Happy rolling!

Fibromyalgia and the Fascia Effect

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Complementary Strategies in Cerebral Palsy: Lymphatic System, Peripheral Blood Flow, and Homeostasis

Lymphatic System
This post is intended as a fundamental follow-up to the previous post on Kinesiotaping (Kinesiotaping-and-disorders-of-movement.html) that outlined the potential assistive benefits to the body´s exisiting fascial performance and mechanical competance.  Along with the biomechanical potential, it is equally important to examine the positive systemic contribution it generates as well.  During my research, I was pleasantly surprised to find more scientific evidence on the systemic ¨positives¨ than the mechanical positives.  While the biomechanical apects are likely more inuitive, the systemic response is initially more elusive.  A logical question arises: ¨How can the application of elastic adhesive tape promote systemic health?¨  This was my initial question...and the answer is ironically very simple and basic.  However, before I examine this in more detail, I should take some time to elaborate on my own perception of  systemic health and homeostasis.  

The Lymphatic System:  The lymphatic system is essentially a very organized network composed of functionally interrelated tissue and is a transport pathway for tissue fluid.  As colourfully illustrated in the image at the beginning of this post, it consists of 3 main components: 1) migrating cells and lymphoid tissue such as lymph nodes, thymus, spleen, bone marrow, and specific tissue in the liver and and lungs.  2) vessels (intercellular space, perivascular space).  3) Fluids (tissue fluid and lymph fluid).  It is divided into 2 classifications:  Primary and Collateral Lymphatic System (also called Central and Peripheral).  The most active areas are found in the skin, abdomen, and lungs as these areas are exposed to the external environment. 

The main functions of the lymphatic system are:

-collect and transport tissue fluids from the intercellular spaces in all the tissues of the body, back to the veins in the blood system.

- plays an important role in returning plasma proteins to the bloodstream.

- antibodies (manufactured in the lymph nodes) assist the body to build up an effective immunity to infectious diseases.

- lymph nodes play an important role in the defence mechanism of the body. They filter out micro-organisms (such as bacteria) and foreign substances such as toxins, etc. 

Once the relevance of this essential system within the human organism is recognized, ANY strategy that would promote it´s health and contribute to it´s maintenance and homeostasis is indeed of benefit and worthy of consideration.  Therefore, we are left with the next fundamental question:  How does Kinesiotaping contribute?¨ 

Kinesio Taping alleviates pain and fascilities lymphatic drainage by lifting the skin. The taped portion forms convolutions in the skin thus increasing interstitial space. The result is that pressure and irritation are taken off the neural/sensory receptors. Then, slowly, pressure is taken off the lymphatic system allowing it to drain more freely.

 In a recent chiropractic journal (October 2011), Dr. Kenzo Kase explains expands on the mechanism and provides the following enhancement:

 Viruses, infections and bacteria attack when the body's immune system is lowered, whether from fatigue or in reaction to cold conditions. If the immune system is strong, the epidermis at the surface of the body affords protection. If the immune system is weakened, the cell cannot protect itself. A virus can also affect the mucosa; mucosa functions internally as a protective barrier the way epidermis does on the body's outside surface.  

The lymphatic correction with elastic therapeutic taping is used to reduce edema by directing fluid toward a less congested lymphatic pathway and lymph node. The elasticity and lifting effect of the tape decreases pressure, and may also create a massaging action during active motion. The effect of the taping on muscle is to normalize the lymphatics by allowing maximum contraction and relaxation of the muscle.

Edema and inflammation may occur when an increase in circulatory activity of the blood leaves the lymphatic system unable to keep pace. The cause may be trauma, infection, an autoimmune reaction such as rheumatoid arthritis, or excessive heat. Once inflammation occurs, it increases pressure on the touch receptors. The increased pressure in the superficial layers, and lack of skin movement, in turn may inhibit lymphatic receptors and increase edema.

Research: Studies support the use of elastic therapeutic taping for lymphoedema. In a 2007 Polish study, researchers found that "assessment of the efficiency of an upper limb in women after mastectomy shows a 20-day cycle of improvement with the use of lymphatic applications of the [elastic therapeutic taping] method, [with considerable reduction of edema lymphatic,] which increases range of motion and normalization of muscular tension, contributing to the increase of muscular strength."
The study concluded, "Lymphatic applications accelerate lymphatic and venous microcirculation, and reduce the stasis of lymph in intercellular spaces. Decrease of edema contributes to the improvement of movement range in all joints of an upper limb and normalization of muscular tension contributing to the increase of muscular strength."  A randomized, single-blinded, controlled 2009 study of 41 patients in Taiwan suggested elastic therapeutic tape "could replace the bandage in decongestive lymphatic therapy, and it could be an alternative choice for the breast-cancer-related lymphedema patient." And Polish researchers studying 24 patients in 2009 found that "the application of [elastic therapeutic taping] in the study group produced a significantly faster reduction of the edema compared to standard lymphatic massage."

 Pediatric Taping
Research: In 2006, a pilot study was conducted at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. The purpose was to describe the use of elastic therapeutic taping for the upper extremity in enhancing functional motor skills in children admitted into an acute rehabilitation program. Fifteen children (10 females and five males; 4 to 16 years of age) receiving rehabilitation services at the institute participated in this study.
For 13 of the inpatients, this was the initial rehabilitation following an acquired disability, which included encephalitis, brain tumor, cerebral vascular accident, traumatic brain injury, and spinal cord injury. The Melbourne Assessment of Unilateral Upper Limb Function (Melbourne Assessment) was used to measure upper-limb functional change prior to use of elastic therapeutic tape. Immediately after application of the tape and three days after wearing tape, upper-limb function was compared using analysis of variance. The research found that "the improvement from pre- to post-taping was statistically significant, F(1, 14) = 18.9; p< .02."

The Chicago team concluded: "These results suggest that [elastic therapeutic tape] may be associated with improvement in upper extremity control and function in the acute pediatric rehabilitation setting. The use of [tape] as an adjunct to treatment may assist with the goal-focused occupational therapy treatment during the child's inpatient stay."

 Every day, health care professionals, patients and athletes are discovering new things about elastic therapeutic taping. On the research side, we work constantly to understand what works and why. It is clear that DCs all over the world have the training and creativity to take the healing sciences to the next level; elastic therapeutic taping can be a valuable asset for that progression.

In addition to the previous studies mentioned, a recent published study concluded that this form of taping improves peripheral blood flow.  
Researchers based the above study on the widely recognized principle that increased blood flow is one of the natural mechanisms of the healing process. The clinical study used nine randomly selected subjects, five of whom suffered from poor circulation and chronic disorders and four of whom were “relatively healthy.” The volume of all subjects’ peripheral blood flow to various parts of the body was measured by Doppler. For the study, Kinesio Tape was applied to the sites most likely to affect blood flow to each area being tested. Blood volume measurements were taken and recorded both before and after Kinesio Tape application. Pre-taping measurements were then compared to post-taping measurements, and differences were noted.
Results of the above Kinesio Tape study showed an approximately 60% increase in blood flow to the pectoralis major muscle, an approximately 30% increase in the pectoralis minor muscle, and an approximately 20% increase in the anterior and medial scalenus muscles after Kinesio Tape application. Results were consistent among all subjects, without exception: All five who suffered from poor circulation and chronic physical disorders showed statistically significant increases in blood flow volume, and all four who did not suffer from these conditions showed no increases and, in fact, showed slight decreases in peripheral blood flow.

To summarize a rather lengthy examination, there is quite a vast amount of data that suggests that therapeutic taping provides postive contribution to the regulation of the lymphatic system and peripheral blood flow.  Therefore, by definition, it contributes to the development and maintenance of the body´s natural homeostasis.  More importantly, it is an effective, non-invasive adjunct to most rehabilitation strategies (massage, ABR,) that quite simply enhances potential for improvement.

The main roles for therapeutic taping, as promoted by this blog, are two-fold:  1) ASSISTIVE FACILITATION (for biomechanical objectives), and 2) SYSTEMIC (enhancement of lymphatic flow and peripheral blood flow).  Therefore, in the Miscellaneous Toolbox  section of this blog, I will be posting some basic applications for both.  Although Kinesiotaping is a technique that has been actively utilized since 1973, it has primarily been used for healthy individuals and implemented in high performance sport environments.  In more recent times, it has been introduced into the rehabilitation domain (pediatrics, etc) as well.  Although it has proven to be quite valuable, proper implementation must be a result of fundamental understanding of the trans-anatomical manifestations of CP.  With this in mind, my intention is not to ¨regurgitate¨ current applications or simply ¨import¨ current implementations...rather to deliver unique applications and strategies based on the extended fascial paradigm and it´s relevance to Cerebral Palsy.  Each application is compatible with concurrent non-invasive techniques such as Fascia Therapy, hydrotherapy (therapeutic tape is resistant to water and can remain attached for 3-6 days), as well as movement associated with daily activity.

Check the Toolbox regularly upcoming taping applications, guidelines, demonstrations, and tips.


Friday, June 8, 2012

Kinesiotaping and Disorders of Movement and Posture

I have purposely refrained from discussing specific techniques for a very simple and fundamental reason: it distracts from the focus on addressing the body itself. That is to say, too much attention is focused on ¨what tool / machine / technique are you using¨ as opposed to devoting time and energy into providing the body with the stimulus necessary to heal itself. Although tools and techniques are obviously required to solicit the healing / improvement process, there is an unfortunate tendancy for people to place far too much emphasis on the external rather than emphasize the need for a comprehensive understanding of the human organism...and therefore giving birth to a more effective treatment strategy. The overwhelming trend of ¨window shopping¨ for therapies has been going on for quite some time and continues today. Therefore, it is important for me to mention (and for the reader to understand) that EVERY case requires in-depth analysis and a common sense logic. The template for this is very straightforward:

1) After a careful analysis of all possible treatment options, decide on a specifc rehabilitation platform that the majority of your choices will come from. In other words, any attempts to ¨marry¨ multiple philosophies or treatments together in hopes of benefiting from all is almost always unproductive...therefore select a main philosophy that aligns with your own individual value system and convictions.

2) Once the main platform has been established, you must then go through another round of careful analysis and investigation to determine what (if any) other complimentary options are available. To be precise, ¨what will facilitate the strategy established in the main platform?¨

The benefits of this particular model are quite tangible and typically align with almost every care-seeker and care-giver objectives. To explain these benefits better, an understanding of the primary objectives is necessary. There are essentially 2 main considerations when establishing a rehabilitation protocol (professional perspective) and rehabilitation strategy (care-seeker perspective): Long-Term Considerations and Short-Term Considerations. Effectively, the main rehabilitative platform contributes to the long-term objectives while the complimentary options should be implemented to serve, not only potential short-term objectives, but as a tool to address potential tactical challenges that arise over the long-term process as well as facilitate movement through transitional phases that could potentially be inconvenient or challenge other areas of development (social and cognitive).

It is with this central philosophy that I have decided to open the discussion to a larger (and generally more animated) perspective. I am constantly aware of the ¨pull¨ of specific techniques...they act like gravity to which no one can resist. Therefore I will be very clear and explicit right from the beginning:

In my personal and professional opinion, the only viable rehabilitative platform for disorders of movement and posture is the systematic improvement of the extended fascial / connective tissue system.

With this position made clear (I hope), we then need to examine potential complimentary options and assess their contribution to the overall strategy. Of course, this would be subject to the person´s value system...however, a realistic rationale for implementation should resonate in a ¨bi-partisan¨ way. If it does not, then it may signal a need for re-evaluation.

Why have I decided to discuss Kinesiotaping? Again, an inuitive question that has a very straightforward answer: The fascial paradigm is based on the fundamentals of tensegrity and the concept of the fascia as an adaptive and active contributor to biomechanical, systemic, and metabolic homeostatis. This elaborate system runs thoughout the body in layers (sheets) that are continuous with each other and have functional appearances at the superficial level and deepest levels as well. The concept of Kinesiotaping can be considered a viable extension of this principle: Unlike external, rigid, and restrictive devices such as braces and orthotics, it attaches to the skin and therefore becomes more intrinsic and contributes to the entire fascial system as a whole.
This means that it has a positive contribution to the kinematic chain. To be clear, it does not REPLACE a given platform, nor should it be implemented with the idea to ¨support¨...rather it should be considered as a catalyst that maximizes existing fascial strength.

An interesting characteristic of this specialized tape is its waveform appearance. Similar to connective tissue, it boasts a wavy layout that permits stretch.

This particular technique was invented in 1973 by Dr. Kenzo Kase and was initially used in rehab settings in Japan but since the mid-80´s has gradually introducing itself into the mainstream. There have been a number of recent studies performed on the benefits of kinesiotaping in disorders of movement and posture that have essentially come to similar conclusions: Although it doesnt necessarily contribute to long-term functional performance (GMFM scores remain relatively stable), there is clear evident that it contributes to performance tasks involved in daily life and should therefore be considered for further study and integration into rehabilitative strategies.

(The effects of Kinesio® taping on sitting posture, functional independence and gross motor function in children with cerebral palsy 2011, Vol. 33, No. 21-22 , Pages 2058-2063----Tülay Tarsuslu ŞŞimşşek1, Bahriye Türkücüoğğlu2, Nilay Çokal3, Gonca Üstünbaşş4, & İİbrahim Engin ŞŞimşşek1, Department of Physical therapy and Rehabilitation, Abant Izzet Baysal University School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Bolu 14100, Turkey).

Conclusions:  No direct effects of KT were observed on gross motor function and functional independence, though sitting posture (head, neck, foot position and arm, hand function) was affected positively. These results may imply that in clinical settings KT may be a beneficial assistive treatment approach when combined with physiotherapy.

Following this post, I have embedded another interesting pilot study. Again, it should be understood that my intention is to bring to light the potential complimentary benefit this particular technique has. More importantly, it extends well beyond the simple mechanical contribution. Implementation of this technique can be a very powerful contributor to social and cognitive development (eg. assist in maintaining head position in school, enable and facilitate more coordinated movements during play and social interaction, etc...). Therefore, it quite clearly belongs as a tactical, short-term management tool. As part of the long-term strategy, it is essential to remember that complimentary options may come and go...they may lose their applicability and others may meet the priorities of the changing situation more effectively...however, the main platform remains.

While researching for this post, I questioned whether this relatively well-known application can truly be of significant value. In reflecting over this question, I realized I needed to put aside my strong ¨devotion¨ to the fascial paradigm in it´s pure sense and examine the ¨big picture¨. It has been a long held philosophy of mine (and some of my collegues) that every single ¨micro-improvement¨ is important...and once they accumulate and reach a critical mass, a functional leap occurs. This is precisely how the developmental process in a healthy individual works. For example, you may see an 11 month old child crawling one day...and the next, he/she is walking upright! Not very well, mind you...but this is made possible by hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of micro-improvements combining to achieve a massive leap forward.

As seen in the video, a very simple application has very powerful results. It is important to highlight the fact that this child is relatively mildly affected, however the obvious benefits are evidenced here...especially in the contribution to her cognitive and social development, development of motor intelligence, and general happiness and well-being.

In summary, I should once again stipulate that my intention is not to trumpet Kinesiotaping as the ultimate solution to disorders of movement and posture. On the contrary...I see it quite clearly as a potential tactical compliment (among other options as well) to the overall strategy.  To be precise, approximately 80-85% of time and effort should be devoted to the main platform, while the remaining 15-20% be distributed among responsible complimentary interventions.

I will be posting more specifics with respect to Kinesiotape types and applications in the Miscellaneous section of this blog (coming soon) where I will present 3 basic applications of Kinesiotape technique:  Lumbar and Lower Spine, Foot and Ankle, Neck and Upper Spine.

Please refer to the pilot study below for a bit more info.

Level 4 Pilot Study Investigating the Effects of Kinesio Taping in an Acute Pediatric Rehabilitation Settin...